U.S. Congressman Sam Graves (R-MO-6)
| Fred Bell, Vice Chairman, Palm Springs Air Museum"It is critical for our industry that we all come together to focus on safety and operations. Our future depends on it" Jack Pelton, CEO/Chairman, Experimental Aircraft Association"EAA's history is rich with the stories and heritage of Warbirds and their caretakers. Our very origins stem from the love for aviation that our founder, Paul Poberezny, discovered as a flight instructor during WWII. His commitment to the men and women who labor tirelessly to keep Warbirds and antiques in airworthy status is legendary, and we are proud to endorse the efforts of the Association of Professional Warbird Operators as they work to promote and ensure the safe ownership and operation of these important historical aircraft." Kirby Ortega, 30-year Cessna Chief Pilot. 2001 FAA National Flight Instructor of the Year"Complexity requires expertise, and unique air operations require well thought-out flight plans... Warbirds are unique, limited in numbers and an important part of our American history. This flying community needs the expertise of the Association of Professional Warbird Operators to keep them flying safely!" Anthony Bacewicz, President USSIC Aviation Group"It’s great to see the APWO take the initiative and be proactive in addressing the issues that face owners and operators of Warbirds. We strongly support any organization that is committed to improving safety in the Warbird community. " |